Get back to school with Fresh Outta Schedule Changes shirt. Make your school day better with this shirt. After a long day of schedule balance, I will not change the schedule. Absence is the resting, relaxing time necessary for students to regain their psychological balance, preparing for the new school year. But their summer days are not much. After a stressful year of study. Vacation is the time to rest and relax necessary for students to regain their psychological balance. Preparing for the new school year.
But the days off of students are not much longer when they are facing increasing pressure of learning. Having no time to rest, play, relax, or overload before a dormant schedule will make them unsuitable for physical and mental development. Perhaps the happiest teacher is taking a break. This is the time for teachers to rest after the first few days of work. It seemed like we were all excited about summer. Someone who has worked as a teacher will feel this very clearly.