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Be a unicornasaurus rex in a field of unicorns shirt

Scientists have studied a lot about dinosaurs based on the fossils found Be a unicornasaurus rex in a field of unicorns shirt. Although it is not possible to fully understand the mysteries of this prehistoric animal. Current insights also help us imagine the dinosaurs that once existed on Earth. Archaeologists estimate that some large-sized dinosaurs can live between 75 and 300 years. However, the exact number depends a lot on whether the dinosaurs are warm-blooded or cold-blooded. If it is a cold-blooded species like a reptile, dinosaurs will have a longer lifespan. However, their minimum life expectancy was 75 years.

Unexpected facts about dinosaurs

The size of dinosaurs is a controversial issue in archeology. According to the new fossil discovery of an Argentinosaurus, this may be the largest dinosaur we have ever known. An adult Argentinosaurus can weigh 70 tons, with a length of up to 40m and a height of 7.3m. Meanwhile the largest animal is now blue whale with a length of 30m and weighing 200 tons. The first dinosaur bone fossil was discovered by MEGALOSAURUS, found in 1677 in a quarry at Oxford. The discoverer of this fossil is Professor Robert Plot from Oxford University. Although it was not until a century later. Scientists named this dinosaur. According to a scientist’s T-Rex dinosaur simulation program, it has a maximum running speed of 29 km / h.

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That means that a T-Rex is hard to catch up with a car Be a unicornasaurus rex in a field of unicorns shirt. Unlike what we’ve seen in movies. However, it was still fast enough to catch up with a normal person. If you are Usain Bolt, then you have a little hope of surviving with the ability to run at 44 km / h. However, if you encounter a Dromiceiomimus dinosaur, you will surely have no escape because they can run at 60 km / h. Most of us know the great extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. The reason is that a meteorite collides with the Earth wiping out more than 70% of the species. However, that is not the only disaster of dinosaurs. 200 million years ago, another great extinction called Trias-Jura also caused many terrestrial creatures to die.

Be a unicornasaurus rex in a field of unicorns shirt